Bailing You Out of Financial Insecurity

The business of bail bonds isn’t one to take on lightly. You’re relying upon the judicial system, clients under significant stress, and a flow of cash that can be inconsistent, to say the least. Essentially, you’re placing your trust in a number of variable factors, and should one cog in the machine stop working, you’ll be out of luck.

That’s why it’s so difficult for those in the bail bonds business to establish a merchant account; the bail bonds game is inherently a high-risk environment. The aforementioned inconsistency in money flow, along with the audience that the bail bonds industry works with, leaves merchant account and services providers a bit gun shy, so to speak.

That’s where Free Merchant Terminal can help. With Free Merchant Terminal, you can:

Track Payment

Track bail payments and interest with ease

Access Payment

Access monthly payments consistently

Recurring Bill

Establish recurring bill statements for your clients and for your peers

High Quality Service

Offer clients a reliable, safe method through which they can make any necessary payments

Monitor Client Payments

Clients who are seeking help with posting bail have just been through a judicial ringer. That additional stress put make everyone on edge. As such, you’ll want to keep a close eye on the payments you anticipate receiving, especially if multiple people are involved in the transaction.

Luckily, Free Merchant Terminal can help. When your clients issue payments to you through Free Merchant Terminal, you won’t need to check in on the payments and affiliated accounts yourself. Stating that Free Merchant Terminal is simple to use is an understatement. Your clients will be able to maneuver through the payment process easily, while you’ll have safeguards against short payments and fraud.

bail bond

Enjoy Expansive Accessibility

You can also access Free Merchant Terminal from anywhere, at any time. Free Merchant Terminal allows remote access, meaning you can check in on your finances and expected payments while on the go.


The credit card processor is also desktop accessible, which means that disabled clients will still be able to use the platform with ease. With Free Merchant Terminal, there’s no room for excuses, and there’s never a need for them.

Consistent Billing in an Inconsistent Business

Free Merchant Terminal offers you the option to set up recurring client payments. Therefore, even though your clientele may differ greatly, you can be confident knowing that your scheduled payments will be on track.

  • Recurring payments through Free Merchant Terminal allow you to set a monthly price for your clients, and the platform will remind them via email when payments are due each month. This way, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a bit of stability in an inherently unstable and high-risk business.
  • Do you want to break free and shore up your bail bonds business? Look no further than Free Merchant Terminal. This secure merchant services provider will make it easy to feel stable in an unstable field.