
Choose a Point of Sale for University Dining Locations

Get The Best POS System for University Dining

Millennials have grown up with technology and convenience. Why should they expect anything else when it comes to university diners, cafeterias, or restaurants? Whether it’s a cafe or university club restaurant, the Point of Sales needs for college campuses need to cater to the needs of today’s students.

Choose a Point of Sale for University Dining, With multiple locations, a POS for university diners needs to handle diverse menus for different cultures, different nutritional needs for students, and handling thousands of students at different times of the day.

  • Does the system need stand-alone kiosks, self-service point-of-sale devices, and/or more traditional cashier-driven services?
  • Does it need to account for cash, credit, debit, and other cashless transactions?
  • Do you need it to handle different languages?

A modern tablet POS system, like Free Merchant Terminal, can handle all of that.


If you’re considering adding or changing your campus POS solution, here are some of the features you will want to look for in your next system:

  1. Multi-language and currency conversion
  2. Ingredient inventory and cost per item tracking
  3. Custom ordering
  4. Online or offline use
  5. Bar code scanning
  6. Cash drawer management
  7. Digital, paper, electronic receipts

Choose a Point of Sale for University Dining with Full Back Office and Management Control

The POS system isn’t just for the students, though. Linking systems across campus dining locations provide an easy platform for inventory management and distribution. Here’s what a modern POS system should do to make managing university foodservice easier:

  1. Customize menu and food options
  2. Modify pricing with automatic adjustments
  3. Deliver custom alerts based on pre-set parameters
  4. Custom receipts and kitchen tickets
  5. Integrate with KDS to show what’s needed
  6. Custom access and permission settings

Your system should also be able to track inventory costs over time, calculate ingredient costs as you change menu items, and provide detailed sales reporting to help you hone your offerings. It should also track peak hours of student dining so that you can adjust staffing and operate within a budget.

Choosing the Right POS System For University Dining Starts Here!

he right POS system can streamline your university dining operations and satisfy the foodservice needs of a diverse and growing student customer base.

Contact Us Now! Call 855-463-7242

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