Finding Love, Not Risk

Companies that restructure the way people find love are becoming ever more popular. The online dating industry connects people who might never otherwise meet, but it can be a risky monetary endeavor. Managing risk is an important part of an online dating business, and by managing your finances correctly, your company can become a leader in the industry.

Free Merchant Terminal can help!

Running a successful dating site requires a vast customer base that’s constantly augmented by new blood.

Your business probably sees a number of new subscriptions every month, all of which need to be managed and screened for fraud risk. Because of the sheer number of transactions dating sites typically process every month, it can be difficult to find a traditional payment processor willing to work with you and take on these risks.

Of course, customers have their own worries. Signing up for an online subscription requires giving out payment information, and if they’ve been scammed before, they might be wary. If your customers can trust that their payments are in secure hands, then they’re more likely to sign up and give it a shot for a month.

The good news is that Free Merchant Terminal can help both you and your customers that shell out thousands of dollars. Free Merchant Terminal will help you take payments and protect your business at the same time.

Credit Repair

Free Merchant Terminal can help both customers and merchants. By signing up with Free Merchant Terminal, your dating business can:


Multi-platform Payment

Accept mobile payments, making it easy to integrate multi-platform payment options.

Strong Reputation

Create a strong reputation for your company.


Fraud Proof

Protect yourself and your customers from fraudulent sign-ups.


High Quality Service

Create recurring payment structures to facilitate subscriptions.

Dating Site to Dating App

Customers access dating sites on a variety of devices, from PCs to smartphones. If your company has an app, then your customers need to feel good knowing their subscriptions are secure on all platforms.

Free Merchant Terminal integrates with many mobile payment providers, such as Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, so you can take mobile payments with ease.

Simple Recurring Billing

Although nearly all dating sites feature one-time purchases, many also use a subscription service to secure a customer base. Whether it’s a premium subscription that unlocks special features or a general subscription that’s required to use the service, it needs simple, easy-to-understand recurring billing structures. Streamlined payment is one of the most important parts of customer retention.

  • Free Merchant Terminal has everything you need to facilitate your subscriptions, all packed into one payment processor.

Creating Trust

In the modern world, customers are often wary by default. Your business’ success hinges upon creating trust with your customers, so they sign up and continue their membership. Retention is all-important in the online dating industry; if someone’s relationship doesn’t work out, you want him or her to come back to your business.

  • With third-party servers and the most advanced security features available, Free Merchant Terminal helps build that trust. People trust Free Merchant Terminal, and that means they’ll trust your company by extension.
  • It can be tricky to manage an online dating service, but companies need to focus on the business, not payments. Contact Free Merchant Terminal today and let us handle the financial side for you.