For your nonprofit, every penny counts. Our privately-hosted, PCI-compliant nonprofit payment processing servers can streamline your online donation process, making contributions easier than ever before.
For your nonprofit, every penny counts. Our privately-hosted, PCI-compliant nonprofit payment processing servers can streamline your online donation process, making contributions easier than ever before.
Use Free Merchant Terminal to:
At Free Merchant Terminal, we understand that time is money. That’s why we focus on electronic nonprofit payment processing, especially for clients like you. When your donation process is simple and secure, your patrons are more inclined to give again for a good cause. Our account support team extends your cause the same impeccable services we provide to all our small business merchants, because, like your supporters, we choose to invest in you.
Modern consumers perform every basic function online, from shopping to bill-payment and even banking services. Exposing your nonprofit to the world of online nonprofit payment processing is critical for growth in the digital age, and Free Merchant Terminal is here to help that happen. Use our credit card processing system to create easy web forms for your donor base; we customize every solution to guarantee information security and accommodate a suitable donation schedule.
Say goodbye to the world of expensive, forgotten mail invoices and lost paper checks with Free Merchant Terminal.
In the nonprofit marketplace, you have a choice: spend your marking budget enticing continued donations from regular supporters, or cultivate new audiences. Free Merchant Terminal can make that choice easy with a library of donation form templates and a simple setup for recurring schedules, freeing your organization to chase wider awareness.
Our nonprofit credit card processing forms are built to seamlessly integrate with your existing platform, allowing you to generate branded receipts and disrupt as few of your daily operations as necessary.
Free Merchant Terminal delivers only state-of-the art, PCI-compliant payment forms, effectively reducing your liability and keeping your organization’s security level as high as possible. When your organization is safe from fraud, you can safely explore the causes that truly matter.
Donor revenue is the lifeblood of a nonprofit organization. To generate this revenue, nonprofits need the right type of payment technology to make donating easy. With Free Merchant Terminal, it’s easy to encourage people to make donations without fuss. Pursuing your organization’s objectives will be a breeze when you work with us for nonprofit credit card processing. With our tried and tested way of improving donor retention, along with our recurring billing functionality, supporting your cause has never been more straightforward. To reduce PCI scope, Free Merchant Terminal offers secure hosted donation forms along with integration into many nonprofit software programs.